
On October 7, 2023, the people of Israel experienced the most devastating terrorist assault in the nation’s history. This horrifying incident occurred as terrorist infiltrated the settlements situated near the Gaza Strip’s border, forcibly entered homes, and ruthlessly massacred entire families. The tragic outcome was the loss of over 1,300 lives, including men, women, and children.

Additionally, more than 240 Israeli citizens, including women, children, and the elderly, were abducted and are being held captive in Gaza. As a result of this war, tens of thousands of Israelis have fled their homes, and have now been evacuated from the towns and kibbutzim around Gaza to hotels throughout Israel. Early Starters International is currently mobilizing our professional teams to open early childhood safe spaces in the hotels where victims of terrorist attacks have been evacuated.

To support the children of our country, we have established 14 spaces for the children that have fled from the surrounding settlements on the Gaza border, and from the countries northern border, in Eilat, at the Dead Sea, in Jerusalem ,in Herzliya and Kibbutz Maa’le Ha’chamisha.

